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2024 48H 國際虛擬製作拍攝大賽工作坊 日本場
2024 48H Virtual Production Filming Contest Workshop in Japan

「2024 48H 國際虛擬製作拍攝大賽」工作坊日本場,於 2023年12月6日到7日在東京舉行,本次工作坊場地共有兩處,分別為虎之門的株式会社Too企業總部,以及草加的TELMIC Studio Soka LED虛擬攝影棚。吸引了三十多位日本當地對虛擬製作有興趣的企業和教育單位到場參與,工作坊沿用 12 小時的設計模式,第一天在株式会社Too進行教學,第二天則在 TELMIC Studio Soka 進行虛擬棚拍攝的實際體驗。

12 Hour Virtual Production Two-Day Camp

The fourth event of the "48H Virtual Production Filming Contest" series, the "12H Virtual Human and Virtual Production Hands-On Camp," was held at the LED virtual studio with ultra-high specifications inside the Central Pictures Corporation's studio. In addition to the theory and practice from the previous three events, virtual human production process was added into virtual production at this even to help participants understand the operation of combining virtual production with virtual characters, in order to meet the diverse real-time application needs of the new media era.


Virtual Production Creative Challenge Two-Day Camp

The third stop of the "48H Virtual Production Filming Contest" series event was held in passionate Southern Taiwan. As always, Fengshui Vision technology team arrived at the co-organizer, IARC‘s K Square/CG ARK, two days before the event. From location scouting, virtual studio, course instruction to actual filming experience, they led participants to thoroughly understand all aspects of virtual production technology, hoping that each participant left with rich experience and valuable knowledge.

Technology Image Seminar

The seminar was co-hosted by Animation & Visual Effects Association and Taiwan VTuber Association and co-organized by Yameme Integrated Marketing.  Brompton Technology of England and Studio Bros of Japan were invited to be the main speakers with Fengshui Vision.  Topics included LED XR image display technology, virtual production in Japan, XR tracking and virtual-real performance.  During the seminar, Studio Bros was online to interact with the audience and provided Q and A session. 

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Virtual Production Workshop

Participant of the “Reality Sensation Innovative Application Project” of the Bureau of Industry, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Mr. Zongxian Xie expertises in the intelligence contents field.  He shared industry dynamics which covered industrial trend analysis and observation of dynamics of internationally renowned companies

Movies and Virtual Production

Fengshui Vision has invited CEO Albert Lan of Albert Lan Digital Creative and Professor Ding of Taiwan University of Arts, Department of Motion Picture, and Fengshui Vision’s Technical Director, Frank to share real-time special effect experience, motion capturing technic, virtual production technic, practical application cases.

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