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 議程 Agenda

Christopher Chen


Taiwan Vtuber Association


謝宗憲 Xie Zongxian

Hanson Lu 
Product Manager


Frank Yu
Technical Director

【Fengshui Vision】



財團法人資訊工業策進會 產業動態分享
III Industry  sharing

VIVE Mars 追蹤技術與虛擬製作
VIVE Mars CamTrack in Virtual Production

Virtual production case sharing

Virtual production for all,
from indie creators to big studios.

HTC VIVE is helping level the field in film making with its first dedicated entry into virtual production — VIVE Mars CamTrack. The cost-effective solution provides accurate camera tracking for live video compositing with a set-up time that only takes minutes.  

VIVE Mars simplifies virtual production — letting content creators focus on what's important, creating.

現場活動照 Photos

參與經濟部工業局「實境體感創新應用推動計畫」專案的謝宗憲(Xie Zongxian)講師,專長為智慧內容領域,研究範疇涵蓋產業趨勢研析、國際大廠動態觀測等產業動態分享。

HTC 專案經理Hanson Lu 於活動中解說 VIVE MARS 追蹤技術如何應用於虛擬製作,並說明追蹤技術、優化虛擬製作流程。HTC藉由VIVE MARS提供一個方便易用、成本相對低廉的虛擬製作解決方案。


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